kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Fear - a four letter word

I have always had problems with being faced with a blank sheet of paper/empty screen. 
That is, a whole space full of nothing that needs you to write down something of worth on it! 
I overcome this by scribbling random ideas in note form (Like when you're out to your local on a Friday night with the girls and get an inspired thought during a quick trip to the loo.  All you have to write it down with is toilet paper and a pinched pen from the bookies.  And you so hope your hieroglyphic letters make sense when you get home, sober up and the paper hasn't disintergrated ovenight!)  When I have filled up the area with rubbish, I can put down what I really mean to say and delete the rest.  Works for me ...
Now, I seem to have developed a fear of forms too and it's come at exactly the right time time in this decade when we have a 32 page census to fill in, like it or not. 
Personally, I like not!
So, between the two fears, I've hit a bit of a sticky wicket. 
Can't I just write on the top of the page 'See previous'?
Very little has changed (except kitty Horatio lives here now!). 
In fact, since this purple piece of tree waste is addressed to 'The Occupier',  I may even fill it out in his name Horatio Szmidmeister, revered Jedi Master of the Old Jedi Order. 
Ah well, keeps someone in a job anyway.

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