kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Thursday 10 February 2011

How a day can change direction ... just like that!

So I got up this morning at 4.30 with the intention of finishing my new website (everything in place - just needs tweeking) when the service provider decided to stop working. 
Taking this as an opportunity see what weird and wonderful things are going on in the world, my next point of call was the net and surfing in general.  Any inspiration is welcome, any time, anywhere!
When, suddenly out of nowhere, a ladybird pops onto my desk light - quite out of the blue, don't know where from - just wandering around getting its feet warm.
Not knowing what to do regarding their eating habits - I always give guests a snack - it seems that I'm now getting into a bit of a scientific research situation. 
It turns out that this is a Harlequin ladybird (rather than our usual british type one that has fewer spots and is quite friendly) and I'm not too sure if my visitors presence is a good thing. 
I also recalled that I saw a number of these spotted critters (What do you call a group of ladybirds anyway?  A herd? Gaggle? Flock of ladybirds? Answers on a postcard please.) settling in a corner of my porch for the winter and went down to check.
Sure enough, there they are in a huddle doing ladybird things.  So now I need to get a picture off to the ladybird survey people to let them know that these invaders are making their way up north.
How exciting!  
More red and black than a match at Old Trafford on a saturday!  Blimey!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kiki,

    I just wanted to say thank very much for following my blog! Pleased to meet you, er, online. You seem very cool and a really great writer too.

    So, I've read your posts, but wasn't exactly sure what it is you're working on at the mo? Don't feel you have to say if you'd rather not.

    I'm based in Chippenham at the moment, doing a new job as a Disney book editor in Bath. At the same time as attempting to do my own writing. Are you freelance full-time?

    Btw - if you wanna chat somewhere not on your blog then my email is or I'm on FB if you wanna "friend me" (eurgh, I hate that phrase!). Anthony Burt, Chippenham should find me!

    Tc, Anthony :)
