kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Sunday 19 September 2010

The Beginning ...

Something has changed in my life ... recently, I mean.
For the better ...
Can't quite put my finger on what it is but I feel that I've got a new lease of life.
I'll rephrase that ... I mean, I feel that I'm getting my old life back again!

The cloud of hopelessness, that has been hovering directly above my head for some time, seems to be dissipating.  My personal storm is passing and I am feeling so much stronger that I can get on with my life with a feeling of relish and worth.

It's lashing down with rain today, the days are starting to get shorter but it's still warm outside -  It is an absolutely beautiful morning!
The urge to write again has become so strong that my 5am starts have become welcome blessings - There is also something quite satisfying about beating the sun to it, although I don't think that we'll be seeing much of it today anyway... 

And so,
I'm going to spend my day catching up from where I left off and watch the raindrops trickle down my window.

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