kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Sunday 26 September 2010

What happened to the weekend?

It's Sunday, the morning after the morning after the night before.
I'm starting to feel human again after an accidental soirĂ©e on Friday that included a few friends, some wine and a complete miscalculation of time.  The night was, however, for medicinal purposes and, for a few hours at least, a splendid idea.
It meant that all of Saturday, in effect, was written off.  I seem to have lost the ability to play out on a school night.
Not like the time when I could party until dawn, have a power nap - two hours maximum - and continue from where I left off with ease well into the next day! 
That was when a builder's greasy fry up and a 'hair of the dog' was enough to give me a new lease of life.
Still, I don't really mind staying horizontal in bed for a day. 
Speaking of which, I have just ordered myself one of those memory foam mattresses so that any future emergency siestas are more comfortable.
In fact, I may have to do a boozy repeat this Friday night just so that I can get the full effect of my new purchase on Saturday ... purely for medicinal purposes you understand?    

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Getting easier ...

There's a lot to be said for getting up at silly o'clock. 
And I don't mean the fact that no one is around to disturb, annoy, irritate, harass, preach, pressurise, judge etc
(any of the above).
The fact that I can get myself up earlier and write for a few hours before I  go to my day job has meant that I've started to look forward to getting up in the mornings - Infinitely better than wishing the week away and only living for days off work!
I've always been organised ... but not very disciplined so this is still early days (pardon the pun!). 
I do have the urge to drift off again when the alarm goes.  I must admit I did press the snooze button today but my cat - who incidentally is loving this dark-morning-ninja-prowling thing - was having none of it.

Monday 20 September 2010

The first day ...

Okay, so this is day one of my new regime ... me time between 4.00 - 6.30 AM.
Not a bad start today (eventhough I'm finding it little difficult to focus still) I did manage to drag myself out of my pit!
So, a nice & easy start to the day with a few words and a smile.
It's so serene this time of the morning ... nothing about ... even my cat has gone into shock but still embraced the outside world full on!
Maybe I should consider a career as a milkman?? 

Sunday 19 September 2010

The Beginning ...

Something has changed in my life ... recently, I mean.
For the better ...
Can't quite put my finger on what it is but I feel that I've got a new lease of life.
I'll rephrase that ... I mean, I feel that I'm getting my old life back again!

The cloud of hopelessness, that has been hovering directly above my head for some time, seems to be dissipating.  My personal storm is passing and I am feeling so much stronger that I can get on with my life with a feeling of relish and worth.

It's lashing down with rain today, the days are starting to get shorter but it's still warm outside -  It is an absolutely beautiful morning!
The urge to write again has become so strong that my 5am starts have become welcome blessings - There is also something quite satisfying about beating the sun to it, although I don't think that we'll be seeing much of it today anyway... 

And so,
I'm going to spend my day catching up from where I left off and watch the raindrops trickle down my window.