kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Saturday 16 February 2013

Relaxing Saturday morning ...

The Kitten (my little car)
decides that something is going to start guzzling petrol like she's an armour plated Bentley
I arrange for her to be looked at.
It's a favour, early start Saturday morning - he will be there at 6am as he has stuff to do....
I will be there at 7.45 so he gets his first job on the go in case I'm late.
I arrive at 6.40am.
Gate locked - wiill call.
Waiting outside for 20 minutes.
Mobile phone dies.
I go to phone box - minimum call 60p! - I have it....just...
Emergency calls only.
I walk 5 minutes to another phone box.
Phone eats what money I have.
Drive to sister's to call from there.
Petrol getting pretty low.
Call garage.
Garage doesn't accept witheld numbers.
Can't find her mobile.
Can't find partner's mobile.
Do I want a cup of tea?
Find mobile.
No answer from garage.
Unable to leave message.
Try again in case I screwed up the numbers - ever the optimist.
Still no joy.
Drive back to garage - Still no joy.
Go home.
Leave message on mobile.
Put kettle on as no gin.
And it's not even 7.30am

The End

Have a nice bloody day!

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