kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Sunday 24 February 2013

Alexandra Park shame

Today, I drove passed Alex Park for the first time in a long time. 
I was shocked!
I've never seen from one side of the park right through to the other from the comfort of my car before.  This was such a beautiful place - a little bit of wild country in the centre of suburban Manchester. 
It's been butchered!  The place has been cordoned off, the beautiful green canopy has been destroyed & the land is being flattened.
I hate it!
Fair play to the die-hards who are still camping out  there. 
And, the chap up in one of the remaining trees!
If we all had the conviction of these urban warriors, we may have saved the place!

Monday 18 February 2013

Assignment Challenge - 5 totally different subjects

Having thought about this one for some time, I've managed to choose the themes that I'm going to write about.

 This year it will be the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination but I'm sure that this is pretty much well covered.

I preferred something a little more  ... I can't think of the word.
Answers on a post card please.

They really are random & some I haven't got a clue about at the moment.
Still, that's the joy of a pin & and a large encyclopaedia ...

Here they are....

1.  Gumball 3000 - squeals of rubber on tarmac & an exciting, 3000 mile journey for no apparent reason other to have fun.

2.  Dr Zahi Hawass - friend or fraud?  What's happened to him since he was removed as Minister of Antiquities.  He didn't do a bad job really - his heart was in it after all.

3.  Slugs - What are they good for?  I'll be trying to discover the positives..... hmmm

4.  Polish Scout & Guide association during the WW2 - named the Grey Ranks.  (Not a pin & encyclopaedia choice but one close to my heart & homeland.

5.  TB Badger Cull - For or against.  I remembered an article on Farming Today.  It was many years ago now & a particular farmer chose to use mineral licks that he kept dotted around his farm for the badgers & bovine TB hadn't touched his herd.

So there, they are... & the winner is ...

Saturday 16 February 2013

Relaxing Saturday morning ...

The Kitten (my little car)
decides that something is going to start guzzling petrol like she's an armour plated Bentley
I arrange for her to be looked at.
It's a favour, early start Saturday morning - he will be there at 6am as he has stuff to do....
I will be there at 7.45 so he gets his first job on the go in case I'm late.
I arrive at 6.40am.
Gate locked - wiill call.
Waiting outside for 20 minutes.
Mobile phone dies.
I go to phone box - minimum call 60p! - I have it....just...
Emergency calls only.
I walk 5 minutes to another phone box.
Phone eats what money I have.
Drive to sister's to call from there.
Petrol getting pretty low.
Call garage.
Garage doesn't accept witheld numbers.
Can't find her mobile.
Can't find partner's mobile.
Do I want a cup of tea?
Find mobile.
No answer from garage.
Unable to leave message.
Try again in case I screwed up the numbers - ever the optimist.
Still no joy.
Drive back to garage - Still no joy.
Go home.
Leave message on mobile.
Put kettle on as no gin.
And it's not even 7.30am

The End

Have a nice bloody day!

Monday 11 February 2013

This evening, I witnessed the car in front of me veering off the motorway. 
No reason - no other car involved
It just disappeared down the embankment on the M60.
A few of us pulled over & saw the car wrapped around a tree - there was smoke and silence. 
I saw the driver move inside.  The others who had stopped managed to get the man out - others called for the emergency services.
He walked away - with help & extremely shaken - back up to the hard shoulder & the police & an ambulance turned up soon after. 
Made me realise just how short life is .... one minute you're driving along & a few seconds later it can be all over.
Make the most of what you have ... it can be finished in an split second.