kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Status Quo still Rocking all over the world!

I had the pleasure over the summer months to go and see Status Quo live in Scarborough and Liverpool respectively.  I had a ball.  

How they rock is brilliant.  Years of practice no doubt and it was all good fun.  I met some of the Quo Army too who actually were following the band round the country.  I enjoyed Liverpool more as I was right at the front of the mosh pit.  

Totally devastated to hear it was their last ever tour but then found out that Francis Rossi was touring next year on his own.  

My ticket arrived yesterday so I'm well chuffed AND I got a front row seat too :-) AND I found out it was a meet and greet so I'll be able to catch up with the man himself.  Absolutely buzzing!  

On a slightly different note Montague and Tallulah will be having their usual babysitter staying over while I'm away at the gig so don't worry they won't be neglected.  

Tuesday 17 September 2024

It's been a while!

So I've decided to resurrect my blog after a long break away. 

It's been a long few years full of ups and downs and a mental health situation which I'll go into another time.  My cat Horatio has long since crossed over the rainbow bridge and that was tough.  I also had the pleasure of Pearl - a beautiful white old lady kitty - who has since also left this mortal coil at the grand old age of 18 years.  The house still has the patter of tiny feet with Montague (Monty) and Tallulah (Lulu) who keep me on my toes.  

A writing group has inspired me again to start up again and the poetry is going on my other website if you're interested.  

Well that's a very brief summary of what's been happening so far.  I'll be back again shortly with some other small thoughts and nonsense. 


K xxx