kiki mitt kat

kiki mitt kat
Blimey!...Look what lovely surprises are waiting for me!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

"It's only a f*#@ing cat!" #wlf #pawcircle

This weekend I was in bits.
My little friend, Horatio (@Hszmidmeister), was in a bad way again ... and I had no idea what was wrong and what to do.

For the second time in less than a year, I have been living on a wire going backwards and forwards to the vet not knowing if I might be coming home on my own.
The early prognosis had been really, REALLY bad.

That's when someone said the above words to me - see title. 

It made me think ...
Why AM I making such a big fuss?
Ok, let's see ... My mum passed away in 2000, dad in 2003 (I'm not in any way trivialising their deaths - I miss both of them dearly!).
My always 'busy', international-sister-of-mystery is currently in Rome trying to seek an audience with the Pope. 
My beautiful niece, Desi Muppet, is in Sydney, Australia, being ecstatically happy. 
And my lovely, challenging nephew, David, is confused and in love in Manchester. 
They've all got their own lives to lead.
When H first stalked onto the scene, I managed to ignore him for four months before I caved in.
He takes great pleasure in farting in my face while I'm asleep, leaving fur circles all over my clothes, waking me up at 3am so I can listen to sleep deprived Nightingales while scratching furiously at the window.

Life could be so much quieter, simpler so why do I put up with all this?....

In short, he makes me smile.

So, he may only be a "f*#@ing cat", but he's my little best buddy in the world and I can't wait for him to get well and start being a pain in the arse once more.

Written with love by @Hszmidmeister's humble servant, Kiki Mitt x

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